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Telecommunication: Business has to keep up and protect assets at the same time.

Every sector of the economy relies heavily on the telecommunications industry to improve processes, remotely manage infrastructure and business operations whilst at the same time, ensuring the security and integrity of their assets. From new start-ups to established organisations, all are continuously looking to remain competitive by upping their game in this area.

Why is this the ideal opportunity to profile your expertise in this field by booking some ad space in both editions?

  • you remain top of mind with potential customers who are looking to improve their business processes in a safe and secure manner

  • not only will you be eligible for the multi-insertion discounted rate, our packages include exposure across 4 SAIEE advertising platforms during the months of October and November.

"Repetition builds Reputation and Reputation leads to Sales"

  • is delivered to the in boxes of all 7 000 SAIEE Members

  • 14 000 readers each issue

  • accommodates animated adverts to ensure your advert stands out

Want to end off 2024 and start off 2025 with new customers?

Book some ad space by calling Barbara on 011 463 7940 or send us an email

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